I thought today would be a nice even-keeled wireframing day.
This morning, it was. I sat peacefully in the Dunn Bros across the street from the office getting my head wrapped around a new project with Target's CMC.
However, after heading back to the office for a building barbecue and a meeting about HAM Branding stuff, I endeavored to head back to the Dunn Bros. to continue wrapping my head around the project.
The became impossible when one Stan decided to sit across from me and befriend a fellow Mac owner.
Lemme tell you about Stan.
Stan makes videos. Videos he publishes on YouTube. Videos that use clips from Harry Potter movies, but in a way that reshapes the story to his liking.
One of the titles of his pieces? Masturbating Harry. Yeah, not kidding.
See it here if you wanna.
He would not shut up about how he uses "parts and pieces and objects" to create new video experiences. Clearly, he's an amateur schmoe with delusions of grandeur, and slightly manic depressive characteristics.
And what I just said is NOT what I mean about being too nice.
I was too nice not because I acknowledged this guy's friendly conversation in the first place, but because I kept letting him weasel his way into showing me more of his shit. Talking more about his "artistic vision" and his approach to "art."
All to the expense of the project I was supposed to be working on.
God, when they said, "give a guy a Mac and PageMaker and he think's he's a designer", they hadn't even conjured this guy up in their heads yet.
See his body of work here.
I should send him a freakin' invoice.
1 comment:
OMG yeah. That is way too nice.
This weird dude struck up a conversation with me about the book I was reading (incidentally Te of Piglet which I owe you) on the bus the other day, but it actually ended up being semi-normal and interesting. Stan, though, is just freaky.
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