Thursday, December 13, 2007

Where The Hell Have I Been?

Um yeah, I've fallen hard off the blogwagon.


Well, I don't know that I have a good excuse, so I readily accept the hand slaps owed me. I guess I thought people weren't reading it anymore anyway, and I felt I didn't have much interesting to say, or things to chew the cud about that were appropriate for this sort of forum. So I lost the motivation and wit necessary to kill a half hour on this every day.

However, I'm starting to get comments (on the blog and off) from more than just my mother wondering where the hell I've been.

I'm here! Stuff is still going on! I'm not in a coma or sleeping under a bridge in St. Paul! Nor am I hibernating in the treehouse for the winter (although that sounds kinda nice).

I'll start doing better. I promise.

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