Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 420 - Restlessness, Productivity and Geekdom

157.0 on the scale (how quickly 155 fades), 3.0 miles on the treadmill, all of 'em ran and 150/0. Gave the pipes a rest.

I had an interesting day today.

I got up and got on the treadmill early so that I'd be ready before some water treatment people came by to tell us how horrible our water is and, of course, what they can do about it for $10K.

The guy was quite showy and a little bit gay-eye-for-the-straight-guy, except he kept talking about how cheap he was, had a big-ass wedding ring on his finger and kept talking about his wife. Anyway, indeed, we're getting a formal bid mid-next-week so we can see the next big-ass chunk of money we have to drop into this house.


I was horribly bored and restless, so I decided to get out of the house and run some errands.

However, just as I was ready to go, Cory ran up to inform Jo that Sneezy (his hamster) had stored away a penny in his cheeks. Yeah, a penny. You could feel it in there and everything. I had to see it for myself, so I went down there and tried to ease it up into his mouth so he'd spit it out, but he was having none of that.

So I left.

I got the oil changed. I went to Target and got another charger and a Micro SD card for my new phone, as well as some groceries. I watched our "Easter is early" spot on the TVs in the electronics department. I returned a movie. I stopped at Lakewinds to get a supplement I was about to run out of. And I stopped to get a 6-pack and a couple bottles of wine to go with dinner, since Lisa & David were coming over.

When I got home, I learned that Sneezy, once back in his cage, had unloaded his cheeks which revealed he'd not only hoarded a penny, but also some chunks of modeling clay along with the usual food bits.

It is a wonder that he's still alive with all the times he's got out and all the foreign substances he's been exposed to.

Anyway, Lisa and David picked up Famous Dave's Feast for Four and we ate and drank some and played a round of Uno before Jo put the kids to bed, then went to town choosing songs for their wedding reception playlist.

We had a good time. Music geeks. I say geeks because we had three laptops, and two iPods at the kitchen table to accomplish the task at hand.

Man, what did we do before all these fun technological toys?

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