Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What did you do today, Bret?

160.0 on the scale, no exercise.

I really have to figure this exercise thing out. There's no room for my treadmill in the Little House, and it is just plain too cold to go running outside, and will get harder and harder to with more snow on the ground.

So, instead of running, I've been pretty productive this morning.

I took care of some bills, filled out an internship evaluation (finally!), and cleaned the horrible rust stains that were developing in the toilet, shower and sink.

The water has been HORRIBLE these past couple of weeks. I think it is the salt that I put in the water softener. I put salt in that has rust remover in it, and I think it is doing a good job of removing the rust and pumping it RIGHT into every pipe in the house. That is counter to what you'd think it'd do, but...

I hope that goes away. I'm going through Whink like it is water.

P.S. Holy CRAP it is December!