Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day 59 - Mein Arse Ees Draggin

167.0 on the scale. No treadmill.

So I think the cold that I've been warding off with Airborne, vitamin c, and echinacea can claim a small victory. I'm not incapacitated, but I'm certainly not 100%.

I woke up last night at 4:30 pretty much unable to breathe. Had to get up, take some Benadryl and wait for it to kick in. So I layed back down at 5:30 or so and was out like a log until 8:15 or so. It was a real fight to get out of bed.

However, I'm cleaned up, dressed cozily (I've been freezing since last night), and awaaaaaay I go.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 58 - Busy Busy Day

166.5 on the scale. No treadmill, as a result of work again.

Had two client presentations today, neither of which I was fully ready for upon waking up.

But hey, wow, eh? 166.5? That's almost 20.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Treadmill Report

45 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Broken record time. Heroes equals good, good stuff.

Uncharacteristically singular story line tonight with a lot of flash backs. They really make small intruiging connections between the usual multiple story lines well, without giving everything away.

Like, Hiro's dad (George Takei. Yes, Sulu.) works for the same company as Mr. Bennet. Wha?

They gave a lot away about Mr. Bennet tonight though. They'd made you hate him. Now they want you to feel for him.

See, just plain good stuff.

Day 57 - Mondays Suck

167.0 on the scale. No treadmill, since I'll be on tonight for Heroes.

Feels like a Monday indeed. I sort of feel like I missed the weekend entirely.

New developer starts today though, welcome Pete!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Treadmill Report

30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Got on after whipping up a crockpot full of hearty chili for supper. Five hours on high then YUM. I start a new movie tomorrow morning: Rushmore. Was a recommendation on Netflix. Seen it?

Heroes tomorrow night. :)

Day 56 - Weigh-In Day

167.5 on the scale. Treadmill later today, I promise.

Hot damn! Finally crossed the 170 mark officially.

I wanna thank Weight Watchers for a wonderful script, without which this weight loss would never have been made. Baby carrots and baby pickles for always being there for me to get through the munchies, and of course all high-fiber low-fat foods for believing in me. Oh, and where would I be without my treadmill?

Yeah, the Oscars are tonight, you didn't need lil' ol' me to tell you that, now did you?

On another note, the gods have dumped 9-12" of snow on the city, and another 1-3" is expected today. Weird to actually have some snow. Not that it is Minnesota or anything.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day 55 - Slackin' in Stereo

167.5 on the scale. No treadmill. I know, I know. That's two days in a row.

So this week has been a challenging week. Challenging weeks make me not care what I put in my mouth. In case you're wondering what "challenging" might mean, Donn's leaving us after 5+ years, Ryan is leaving us (and Minneapolis) and moving to San Francisco, and I've hired another senior designer, Mark (that part is good!).

Despite all that, I'm happy to say that I haven't seen a weight this week above 170. That would suggest I might weigh in under 170 tomorrow if the gods smile upon me. *knock on wood*

I spent all day today at the office getting a new computer set up for Dave, and moving Dave's over for our newest employee's desk who starts on Monday. I behaved with a salad for lunch that I picked up at Byerly's before heading into the office, and sort of behaved with Papa Murphy's Veggie DeLITE pizza (4 points a slice instead of 7 or 8) that Jo picked up for supper.

I wanted to eat the whole pizza though, I'm not gonna lie.

Alright, wish me luck for tomorrow. For those who may actually check daily, sorry I didn't get a post in this morning.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Pizza Pounds

167.0 for today's weight. However, I then had 5 pieces of pizza for lunch. :)

Day 54 - Werkin'

No treadmill again this morning as a result of catch up with project work. Will log the weight later.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Treadmill Report

30 minutes on the treadmill. 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Be it known, I've dutifully made up for missing this morning.

Be it also known I've purchased more beer.

Nobody Knows My Name - Rickie Lee Jones

Day 53 - I *Heart* Rickie Lee

167.5 on the scale. No treadmill (had to catch up with some work pre-dawn).

Yesterday was a considerably less-than-great day. Had I not been out of lite beer, I probably would have had a good handful of them. :) It almost doesn't matter though because I've probably broken the beer rule more than I have not.

Today is getting better.

So on the way in to work I heard Rickie Lee Jones being interviewed on MPR. They played a GREAT song from her new album called "Nobody Knows My Name" that was a 100% perfect match for my mood on the way into work. Imagonnahafta buy it.

It was a great interview. Now I have to go back and get all her earlier stuff too.

See, interviews on public radio sell things.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day 52 - End Of May

167.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Finished May today. Glad I saw it, but glad it is over.

On another note, it would seem I'm finally resuming progress on this crazy little idea I had to weight 155 by May 5th. 12.5 pounds to go as of this morning! That's still like shedding a gallon and a half of milk, but... WOO.

I know there are a few of you reading this on your own quest. Howzitgoing? Shad? Lisa? David? B-Rad? Did I miss anyone?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 51 - Progress

168.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Alright, got to the darker side of May this morning. The bloodletting has begun. "They" bill the movie as a horror movie for people that don't like horror movies.

I still not sure I can say I like it yet.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Treadmill Report

45 minutes on the treadmill while watching Heroes. 3.45 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Alright, indeed, last week's less-than-stellar episode was a fluke. A new hero was introduced tonight, and pretty much everything's getting shaken up.


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, start watching it if you're not already. Get caught up.

For you, not for me.

Day 50 - Keep Keepin' On

169.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Started another movie today: May. Not sure I like it yet.

Other than that, not much to report from yesterday yet, except the scale continues to tease.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 49 - Weigh-In Day

170.5 on the scale. That's NO change from last week. I think I have to call that a plateau.

So that sort of sucks. However, it just means I have to work harder this week, rededicate, refocus, reprioritize. If I turn that frown upside down, I DID see weights under 170 last week, including as recently as yesterday.

We went out to Stella's Fish Cafe last night to celebrate Jo-Anne's birthday and our long-time friend Lisa's engagement. I sort of behaved, until I saw they had a "carrot cake cookie" on the menu for dessert. I ordered it. So, it really doesn't surprise me at all that I did not weigh in under 170.

Today I spent all day stringing cable through the basement ceiling from one end to the other to accommodate the TV move. Got the cable hooked up and working, but not the speakerwire yet. Also ended up with a number of necessary holes in the sheetrock that now I have to patch.

On to a new week! Goddamn it, I'm crossing the 170 threshold this week if it kills me.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sinning With Salad

Well, off to a bad start already I guess.

The boys and I stopped by an Einstein Bros Bagels for lunch after I picked Cole up from gymnastics. I thought I was playin' it safe by ordering their Chicken Chipotle salad.

Not so much.

I hit their website just now to figure out the damage. 630 calories, 40 grams of fat, 7 grams of fiber. That's 15 points. I could have eaten a freakin' Whopper with Cheese for that.


Day 48 - Weigh In Eve

169.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Alright, that's good stuff. Now I just have to NOT blow it tonight and maybe I'll weigh in under 170 tomorrow. Good times.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Day 47 - Not Quite Ducking 170

170.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

So, see. I think the scale is messin' with me. What a roller coaster of emotions. :)

We're going out tomorrow night to celebrate Jo-Anne's birthday and our friend's engagement, so I don't know if Sunday will actually see a weigh-in under 170 unless I really behave. And really, come on. What fun is that?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day 46 - Boom!

So I get on the scale this morning first thing, and it says 168.5. Weeee! However, official dripping-wet weight is...

169.5 on the scale. No treadmill.

Taking a break because the ball of my right foot hurts. It actually has hurt for like 4 days, so Jo-Anne suggested I give it a break this morning and see if it helps. Those nurse-types, so logical.

So, let's see if tomorrow is another weight under 170, then I'll believe it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 45 - Muffins Cause Hunger

172.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Goddamnit, I'm going backwards. I need to refocus. Reprioritize. Rededicate.

Finished City of God today -- was very good. And based on a real story it turns out.

On another note, I won't be giving in to muffin lust again any time soon. That stupid little 8.5-point muffin prevented me from 8.5 points of real food later on in the day, which made me hungry as hell before bed and prompted an encounter with a free-flowing bag of tortilla chips at 9:00 pm.

I blame the muffin. Muffins are evil.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day 44 - Must-Have Muffin

171.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

On day two of watching City of God. Enjoying it so far! It is all in subtitles, so makes it somewhat difficult to do push ups while watching, but...

This morning, I'm planting myself in my secret location coffee shop and going to town on a Target project until after lunch.

On that note, I've started the day out with a bran muffin (8.5 points), whether right or wrong. Unfortunately, my secret location has a $3.00 minimum charge, and the muffin was staring me in the face. In retrospect, I should have ordered a bottle of water to go with my coffee.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Treadmill Update

30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

I'm hesitant to say it out loud (so to speak), but tonight's episode of Heroes wasn't spectacular. I hope it is a fluke!

Day 43 - Broke The Pattern

Yay! 170.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

First Monday in a few weeks that didn't add two pounds to the scale. The scale even said 170 even a couple times! :)

More treadmill tonight for Heroes! Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 42 - Weigh-In Day

170.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

That's a better showing than I thought it would be. Maybe that means next week's the week I break the 170 threshold.

So last night, after makin some tasty cabbage rolls, I came up with the plan to pull wires through the house for the new location of the TV. Found I'm going to have to knock out a small patch of two walls in the basement in order to accomplish what needs accomplishing. Didn't tackle that today though.

Instead, I removed the storage cupboards from the back room off the master bedroom, and then helped Jo move her desk up there. The idea is to put one of the twin beds from Cole's room back into Cory's room, and move the full bed back into the office with my desk. The office will then be the guest room again when we have visitors.

Also took Cole off to the third birthday party of the weekend, a rock-climbing party in St. Paul. Spent the couple hours I had between drop off and pickup at the office repairing Shirleen's computer and getting desk stuff figured out for our newest developer (who starts in a couple weeks) and our contract developer (who starts Monday).

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Day 41 - Feng Shui Shuffle

171.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Yeah, not lookin' like I'm gonna cross the 170 threshold quite yet. Not ready to say the 'p' word, but garsh it's starting to look like one.

This weekend we've got a busy two days of chauffering our children around town to 3 different birthday parties and gymnastics and stuff. Jo-Anne has also decided to swap the dining room furniture with the sun room furniture, thereby shuffling the purpose of each room. I had been adamantly against it and refused to take part in the tomfoolery, but now that I see things swapped, it is actually kinda nice.

However, I have to figure out how to get cable and stereo cable strung two rooms away now. Good thing I'm a geek and kinda like figuring that stuff out.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Day 40 - Anna Nicole & Marilyn Monroe

171.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Last few minutes of treadmilling I watched the Today Show where they were talking about Anna Nicole. The comparisons to Marilyn Monroe's tragic death at a young age are everywhere. All discussion about Marilyn's significance in the world aside, we are a shallow, shallow people if Anna Nicole becomes an "icon" like Marilyn Monroe did.

In other news, I blew it last night. Few beers, which led to the munchies. I behaved with the munchies though -- had a bowl of cereal. Wooo! Can't say as much about the beer.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day 39 - Fog Is Lifting

171.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Feeling better today, so hoping it is NOT the case that I'm getting sick. I have added an Airborne regiment to try to ward any sickness off.

In meetings all morning, then into the office for more meetings this afternoon. :) Meetings, meetings, meetings.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Day 38 - In A Fog

172.0 on the scale. No treadmill -- not feeling so hot today.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 37 - Chasing 170

172.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Back to weigh-in weight. Funny how that works from Sunday to Monday to Tuesday lately. The hope is that I break 170 this week, and as long as I don't royally screw up with anything, chances are that is possible.

The hope is also that the word "plateau" doesn't appear in my weight-loss vocabulary at least until I dip under 165. Like I've said before, the poundage below 165 is going to be the hard part.

It'd be much better if the word "svelt" appeared in my vocabulary. Uh huh.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Treadmill Report

45 minutes on the treadmill. 3.14, 4.5, 100/70.

Are you caught up with Heroes yet?

Day 36 - Mondays Suck

174.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Two Mondays in a row now have seen me heavier than the weigh in. I'm not sure what's up with that, but it sucks.

More treadmill tonight for Heroes. :) Maybe that will help.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Day 35 - Weigh-In Day

172.0 on the scale. Not a bad showing for a guy that went out on the town last night.

I think we all had a good time last night, and I'm sure at least Jo-Anne and I did. We were at The Melting Pot, which was my first experience with that level of fondue-age. I did a fair job behaving, consciously avoiding cooking my food in the oil pot, and opting for the broth/wine based one instead. Although, the cheese and dessert fondues were dangerously delicious. Yeah, and then the wine and beer.

No treadmill yet. I'll have to attone for last night's diet-sins later.

Alright, 'sall I got. On to another week.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Day 34 - Holiday Party Night

172.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 0/0.

Errands to run and children to transport before the big shindig. Supposed to be like -18° tonight with wind chill. Good times!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Sights Of The City

Yeah, today I saw something that made me do a double-take.

Daily, I arrive at the warehouse district off of 394 using the 3rd Ave exit, which drops me right at the corner of Washington and 3rd next to JD Hoyt's where there's a set of stoplights. It is not uncommon to see people walking across the lanes of traffic in places other than the cross walk.

However, it IS uncommon to see someone standing unmoving on the side of the road for any period of time, so when a guy with baggy jeans and a hoodie was standing there with his back to me as I pulled up, I noticed.

Then I also noticed he was standing on top of a flood grate.

Then I noticed his posture.

Then I think I said out loud, "what the hell is he... wait, is he??..." as I witnessed him peeing RIGHT THERE in the open for traffic from 5 different directions to witness.

People rock.

Day 33 - Spreading Gospel

171.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Finished Nacho Libre this morning. Mucho fundido. Or something. Now I have to figure out what's next -- not sure what came from Netflix the other day.

On another note, yesterday I received another CD from That's another site you should check out if you haven't already. Basically, you put all the CDs you own in one queue and all the CDs you want in another, and using their prepaid shipping envelopes you send and receive CDs from people all over the country. Each time you get one, you pay like $1.79 (free to send). CHEAP!

(oh, and here's my want list)

If you've completely digitized your music collection anyway, why WOULDN'T you trade and get more CDs that you can digitize and then trade again? KnowwhatI'msaying?

And then there's the ingenious idea of a starting an online company that uses someone elses stuff as inventory and makes money off the transaction fee. Oh wait, that's what eBay does too.

Ain't the internet grand?

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Day 32 - Slippage

172.5 on the scale. No treadmill. I didn't get up early enough, nor did I much care to get out of bed. :) That's also why I did not get to post this morning.

Behaved today, even though I was tempted with 2 dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I had about a third of one -- a bite here, a bite there. We bought chocolate chip cookies because everyone had their time up to date for the Monday morning meeting, AND today we had a development intern start by the name of Ross.

Tomorrow = treadmill. Our company party is only a couple days away with a weigh-in right behind it, so my hopes aren't high for that number, although I hope to dive under 170 before next week's weigh-in.

Time will tell.