Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day 55 - Slackin' in Stereo

167.5 on the scale. No treadmill. I know, I know. That's two days in a row.

So this week has been a challenging week. Challenging weeks make me not care what I put in my mouth. In case you're wondering what "challenging" might mean, Donn's leaving us after 5+ years, Ryan is leaving us (and Minneapolis) and moving to San Francisco, and I've hired another senior designer, Mark (that part is good!).

Despite all that, I'm happy to say that I haven't seen a weight this week above 170. That would suggest I might weigh in under 170 tomorrow if the gods smile upon me. *knock on wood*

I spent all day today at the office getting a new computer set up for Dave, and moving Dave's over for our newest employee's desk who starts on Monday. I behaved with a salad for lunch that I picked up at Byerly's before heading into the office, and sort of behaved with Papa Murphy's Veggie DeLITE pizza (4 points a slice instead of 7 or 8) that Jo picked up for supper.

I wanted to eat the whole pizza though, I'm not gonna lie.

Alright, wish me luck for tomorrow. For those who may actually check daily, sorry I didn't get a post in this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did eat the whole pizza. Remember, there was none left for me for lunch on Sunday! BTW, let's get votes on if you should shave your head or not. I swear on my children Bret had this idea at least a week before Britney did it.