Friday, February 2, 2007

Day 33 - Spreading Gospel

171.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Finished Nacho Libre this morning. Mucho fundido. Or something. Now I have to figure out what's next -- not sure what came from Netflix the other day.

On another note, yesterday I received another CD from That's another site you should check out if you haven't already. Basically, you put all the CDs you own in one queue and all the CDs you want in another, and using their prepaid shipping envelopes you send and receive CDs from people all over the country. Each time you get one, you pay like $1.79 (free to send). CHEAP!

(oh, and here's my want list)

If you've completely digitized your music collection anyway, why WOULDN'T you trade and get more CDs that you can digitize and then trade again? KnowwhatI'msaying?

And then there's the ingenious idea of a starting an online company that uses someone elses stuff as inventory and makes money off the transaction fee. Oh wait, that's what eBay does too.

Ain't the internet grand?

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