Saturday, February 10, 2007

Day 41 - Feng Shui Shuffle

171.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Yeah, not lookin' like I'm gonna cross the 170 threshold quite yet. Not ready to say the 'p' word, but garsh it's starting to look like one.

This weekend we've got a busy two days of chauffering our children around town to 3 different birthday parties and gymnastics and stuff. Jo-Anne has also decided to swap the dining room furniture with the sun room furniture, thereby shuffling the purpose of each room. I had been adamantly against it and refused to take part in the tomfoolery, but now that I see things swapped, it is actually kinda nice.

However, I have to figure out how to get cable and stereo cable strung two rooms away now. Good thing I'm a geek and kinda like figuring that stuff out.

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