Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 53 - I *Heart* Rickie Lee

167.5 on the scale. No treadmill (had to catch up with some work pre-dawn).

Yesterday was a considerably less-than-great day. Had I not been out of lite beer, I probably would have had a good handful of them. :) It almost doesn't matter though because I've probably broken the beer rule more than I have not.

Today is getting better.

So on the way in to work I heard Rickie Lee Jones being interviewed on MPR. They played a GREAT song from her new album called "Nobody Knows My Name" that was a 100% perfect match for my mood on the way into work. Imagonnahafta buy it.

It was a great interview. Now I have to go back and get all her earlier stuff too.

See, interviews on public radio sell things.

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