Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rickie Lee Report

Alright, two of four albums are really good -- her very first from 1979, Rickie Lee Jones, and the most recent, The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard with the song I heard that started this whole thing.

I'm just not sure about early 80's Rickie Lee yet.

In other news, I went to McDonald's today for lunch after picking up the kids. Probably the first time in like 5 or 6 months. Had the Grilled Premium Chicken Classic w/o mayo, a side salad with lite italian, and half a thing of fries. Okay, so the fries wasn't exactly behaving. Despite mostly behaving, that was still 17 points of food.

Luckily, we had fish, red beans & rice, and steamed broccoli & carrots for supper so I netted out for the day right where I should have.

That's a pat on the back for me, from me.

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