Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 105 - Weigh-in Day

162.0 on the scale. No treadmill, I've been cooking all morning in prep for Cole's wee little party.

Unfortunately, my lucky $10 that I found on the curb did not win me any money with the powerball tickets I bought with it. Should have just bought a big-ass salad or an iTunes album or something. Easy come, easy go.

As you can see on the chart I've neglected to update for weeks, I'm officially behind. Boo.

"The boys" had a fun day yesterday while "the girls" shopped their hearts out. We ended up going to an early-afternoon matinee of Meet the Robinsons.

Afterwards, we went to HAM's headquarters and introduced Brandon and Dad to the Wii. We bowled a few games and ordered some Jimmy John's sandwiches to be delivered for lunch.

Then Dad bought us tickets to the Twins game that night against the Sea Rays. While we all enjoyed ourselves, as you can see in the pictures, the boys got a little bored so uncle Brandon let them play monopoly on his phone.

I helped myself to enough light beer to impair my ability to drive home, so I handed the keys over to Dad like the responsible dashing young man that I am. *cough*

So, I'll finish prepping up the strudel rolls and then will rush back after the service to let the cooking begin. The house will smell deeeeelicious indeed, and all will surely be fat, happy and gay by early afternoon.

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