Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 114 - I Love My Fishes...

159.0 on the scale. No treadmill this morning, think I'll walk tonight if I can swing it.

So, I don't have a whole lot to go on about this morning. Haven't read any more Pooh, nor have I anything profound or mundane to share.

It does suck that the number is going up a half-pound at a time instead of down. I don't know what exactly I can attribute that to since I've been behaving pretty well lately. With the possible exception of a little problem I'm having with Pepperidge Farms Goldfish. Guess I gotta put the kaibosh on that or something.

Jo and I are touring a school this morning, then off to work and a Target meeting.

Less than two weeks from the Ham Jam. Seen the invite?

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