Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 131 - TGIF

155.5 on the scale. No walk, which I miss already.

Ginger still at the U in the ICU. No school decision as of yet, however another tour has been scheduled for next week Wednesday. No significant weight gain. New project opportunities popping up everywhere. HAM website about to be updated. Shipments of software upgrades and equipment all in transit and trickling in. Third review lunch of the week today; fourth lunch out in one week.

Weekend holds a violin recital, an expensive shopping spree for a suite of clothing that fits, a Mother's day date out without children tomorrow night, and if I can swing it, I'd like to get the kids sleeping out in the treehouse tonight for the first time ever. :) All I have to do is put the railing board on the top bunk. If I accomplish that tonight, we'll probably have a nice campfire after Cory's gymnastics.

Oh, and I think I'm gonna walk my ass off tomorrow morning to make up for no walk today. For my spirit, not weight loss.

Hope you have a good Friday!

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