Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Day 213 - "How Do I Get August's Entries To Show Up??"

159.0 on the scale. 5.0 miles on the path, ran about 2.75 of it, 150/100.

Seeing the chiropractor again tonight. I'm outta whack and my right hip hurts. I think I'm walking funny, well, funnier than usual anyway. BING!

So, sat in a coffee shop most of the morning not far from the house to finish the wireframing for a Target project, which I presented today with Kate at 3:00. Went smoothly. Wireframes are wonderful time-saving things.

I got some crap from my mother prior to today's earlier digest posting, wondering how to access August's entries. She couldn't get them to show up.

My answer?

Guilt your son into posting more frequently again.

Yeah, I have sort of fallen off the blogwagon again lately. Too much going on all at once.


Anonymous said...

Ouch, that should make the road trip fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to learn that "Mother Guilt" is still effective.