Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 291 - Interruption Avenue

160.5 on the scale. No exercise on account of MORE rain.

Ya know, there are just some days where you're destined to get nothing done.

You know what I'm talking about.

The days where you don't have everything you need to get started. Or once you do get started, the phone rings every 10 minutes. Or your employees or coworkers need something from you, and one of them knocks at your office door every 15. Or the apps you really need to do your job are acting buggy and crash randomly. Or there are so many disparate things to the project you're working on that you spend your day in small chunks herding cats and getting your head around them all.

Yeah, today was one of those days.


Anonymous said...

Damn employees!

bhummel said...

For the record, I never said any such thing!!

Who said that?? *puts up dukes*