Monday, October 22, 2007

Exercise Update

4.7 miles ran on the treadmill while watching Heroes, 5.8, 150/100. And after the exercise and day where I accidentally skipped lunch, I'm 161.5.

Today was pretty busy. We had our regular Monday Morning Meeting, and then a resource allocation meeting, then I had a little block of time to work on the project I'm working on.

It is kinda fun. I get to scrounge for assets on the web, which I always enjoy doing. I'm crafty.

We also reviewed the concepts for the MOA Nickelodeon Universe site that we'll be presenting tomorrow at 10:30. I'm excited to get the creative in front of them. Stephen and Mark and Alexis have been working hard and have some great stuff going.

Tomorrow, after the presentation I'll head back to the office and printout everything I'll need to go over the RFP with Mr. Nickelodeon in NY, then take Pete (the car, not the employee) to the dealership to get some stuff checked out before the long road trip starting this Sunday.

I'm gonna leave the car there with them while I'm away, and have their shuttle peeps take me to the airport hopefully, in time for my 7:07 pm flight to JFK.

I'll be blogging, stay tuned.

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