Thursday, December 20, 2007

Day 354 - Happy Hour

164.0 on the scale. No exercise.

I'm not exactly sure what I did, but my back was absolutely killing me today. Mid-back. Spasms. The whole works.

Today, I spent a good portion of the day working on a series of spreadsheets to help us get better at allocating our resources. I'm a geek that way. I likes me some formulas.

I also attended a fun "Unofficial Target Happy Hour" at Bellanote. I got there around 5:30 or so with Kate and started 'a minglin'. Left around 11:00 or so after talking to a lot of people and having a fair amount of drinks.

Then, the final bunch left and decided to go to another bar, but I opted out and instead headed towards JD Hoyt's for some gumbo and cornbread because I hadn't eaten anything. Unfortunately for me, by the time I got there their kitchen was closed so I turned around and headed over to Runyons instead, where I sauntered up to the bar and ordered an olive burger.

A few stools down from me was a girl taking a "bar break" from work, she said. Where did she work that she could do that? Well, at Sinners, the strip joint next door.

Her name was Layla, and she scooted over to sit next to me and tell me about how slow a night she was having, and tried to talk me into visiting her in the V.I.P. room after I finished my burger. Only a $160 bucks she said, and I could lay down and everything. She reminded me that it was the holiday season so she needed some money to buy presents, so I should definitely visit her. It'd be a good time.

I'm sure she was heartbroken that I never showed.

But now when I'm walking by there on the way to a meeting or something and I see the girls taking their smoke break like they do, instead of averting my eyes like usual, if I see her I can be like "Hey Layla!" and make whoever's with me wonder.

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