Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 358 - Christmas Eve

162.0 on the scale. 3.0 miles on the treadmill, most of them ran, and 150/100.

Today was a really good day. I slept in a little bit, and when I got up I whipped up some gingerbread pancakes for the boys, and snuck one for myself. They were pretty good, but I think the boys were only mildly impressed. They had like 3/4 a stick of butter in them.

So that made me wanna get on the treadmill. Which I did.

Then I got showered up and went sledding with the boys until I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. That was fun. The circular plastic sled was my sled of choice for speed, stability, and distance.

After we got back, I inspected our mailbox -- which apparently got hit by a snowplow and was dangling by a single overly-stressed screw -- to figure out what I needed to do and buy to fix it. I ran to the hardware store and got the stuff I needed, then went next door to Lakewinds to pick up some stuff and figure out what to do about supper on Christmas Eve, which we were spending alone.

I settled on a homemade Turkey pot pie (and vegetarian alternative).

After I got home and fixed the mailbox, I worked on a puzzle with the boys that we'd started a day or two ago for a few hours. That's sort of become a tradition. Big-ass puzzle over the holidays.

I got so engrossed in that that it got dark on me without me realizing and I had to rush out and light the luminaries. Our whole 3-block neighborhood does that every year, and I think I was one of the last people on the street to light 'em.

Those goddamn Hummels.

Anyway, I then came back in and started whipping up the turkey pot pie, which turned out scrumptiously, thank you.

Afterwards we cleaned up, and played an excruciatingly long game of UNO because of a misinterpretation of a rule. I threw the game and gave it to Jo at the last minute, just to end it. Otherwise I'm sure I would have won. :)

The, the boys got stuff ready for Santa. I inadvertently ate the last molassess cookie that they had intended to leave for Santa, so instead they left him some ribbon candy, a few storebought gingersnaps, a big apple for Rudolph, and a couple notes for the fat man.

A little last-minute wrapping, and that pretty made it a day.

So, it was a non-traditional Christmas Eve, but a pretty good day if I do say so myself. On to the big day tomorrow, when we'll celebrate at Jo's parents and do the gift openings.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a bad loser. I won that game fair and square after an hour and 20 minutes! You did not "throw the game!" And this is not about my so-called competitive streak.