Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 395 - Penguins, Penguins, Penguins!

159.4 on the scale. 2.0 miles on the treadmill, and 0/0.

Didn't get up early enough for all 3 miles and the abs/arms stuff, because I had to take the boys to school and help Cole get his penguin PowerPoint presentation set up in the gym for their Winter Wonderland extravaganza.

I lugged my flatscreen monitor from home and a Mac Mini, and got it set up pretty quickly with him, then walked him to his locker and headed out to work for the day.

After work, I met Jo and the boys and Jo's parents, at the gym again for the official "open house" where the parents got to walk through and see everyone's winter presentations. There were some really interesting ones, and it was nice to see that Cole's presentation was a popular attraction.

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