Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 378 - I Like Saturday

161.6 on the scale. 3.0 miles on the treadmill, little less than 2.5 ran, and 150/100. Not feeling the strongest today, dunno why.

So I learned last night that Cory won the Spelling Bee at his school, and will now represent Groveland Elementary in the district competitions in early February. Howzabout that?

Cole continues to garner support for his fundraiser thingy (thanks Alexis!).

We kinda lounged about most of the morning, sleeping in and napping on and off, until the afternoon, when Cole had a birthday party at a big sledding hill with his old Spring Hill buddies. Jo took him there, and after putzing around on the internets for awhile, I dragged my ass onto on the treadmill and eeked out 3.0 miles.

When it was time to pick up Cole, I rounded up Cory and we picked him up then headed to the office for awhile. Jo had a dinner with her mom's group, so we ordered pizza and had a "boys night out" of sorts.

The boys played Wii for hours, and I took care of a bunch of email archiving settings and stuff for '08. I'd intended to get to work on the new desks, but found that we don't have the hardware yet, or at least, if we do, I don't know where the hell it is.

We got back around 9:00 or so, and the kids went straight to bed, thus ending an alright day for a weekend.

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