Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 421 - Bowling

Cory, Cole and I went bowling today. Cory won a game, Daddy won a game, and Cole was well on the way to winning the last game before they cut us off for time.

Cole had a signature move after many of his shots. See it below!

The hamster had another run in with danger today. Cory had put Sneezy's cage in the spare bedroom overnight, apparently because he was being noisy. The door was left open mid-day today, and Ginger (the dog) got intensely interested in Sneezy, and knocked the cage off the bed an onto its side.

Like I said, amazing that the hamster is still alive.

I went into the office tonight to finish getting the workstation set up for a new employee who starts tomorrow. A new producer. Wooo! So, we're at 17.

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