Thursday, May 15, 2008

Resolutions In View!

No exercise yet. Hoping to do it tonight, unless the heavens open up as it is forecasted. What the hell do they know though, right?

So, first thing, I forgot to mention yesterday that while I was out on the path, I finally ran into John again and was able to give him my business card so he could email or call me and set something up for coffee.

Well, I heard from him today. Turns out he's a PR Consultant, and in his email to set up a time, he let me know that he's checked out our site, and has a critique for me when we grab coffee next Friday.

Howzabout that?

My day did not turn out to be as I'd expected it. I'd had a full afternoon booked up with two meetings, but they both got cancelled, so ended up being able to just jump headfirst into the Excel stuff again. Excel is really pretty cool.

I'm such a geek that I just said that.

We also learned today that we've got a smaller movie studio in L.A. interested in talking with us, the result of Len's sales efforts.

GO LEN! That New Year's resolution might come true after all.

Come to think of it, I'd also neglected to mention I can check off the caffeinated coffee one from the resolutions list. Although I had a slip-up only once, I consider it a success, and made it to May 1 without the shakes.

The slip-up was the day I flew from Boston back to Minneapolis on a butt-early morning flight, the day of HamJam. I'd been up since 3:00 am our time, and though I ordered a decaf americano at the MPLS airport when I landed, they gave me a full throttle and I didn't notice it.

Seal broken, right?

Since it was already broken and I knew I was gonna be up until 3:00 am again with the party, around 3:30 that afternoon I went all out and had one of Dunn Bros frosty cooler drinks... with an extra shot. :)

Despite the transgression, I consider it a success, and continue to order decaf, thankyouverymuch.

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