Friday, June 20, 2008

Google Maps Doesn't Know Best

154.2 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, 4.25 of them ran, and 150/100.

Today, Cory does not have Orchestra Camp, and instead has a play date this morning with Ethan, then tennis matches in the afternoon.

I dropped Cory off at Ethan's, with his typical barrage of Bionicles that he always takes over there. I then used the morning to get some stuff done, and ran to pick Cory up over lunch time, with a quick stop at McDonald's before we headed to the tennis matches in Wayzata.

Unfortunately, I'd never been to this club he was supposed to be at, and relied on Google Maps to get me there, which took me right through Wayzata, and across train tracks. Wayzata had some crazy-ass traffic for 12:45 in the afternoon, and then we hit a train. Wouldn't you know it.

So we got there like 20 minutes late.

BUT, he got some matches in, and I made a mental note to take the fast way there on the way back now that I knew exactly where it was.
I used the time to go get an oil change, and while I was waiting, Dad called to both express sympathy and say that he can't feel sorry for me for the tax burden I mentioned earlier in the week. Thanks Dad. :)

Anyway, I picked Cory up, worked a little bit longer, then decided to take Cory to Dave & Busters to play a little. That's where we ate supper, and Cory earned something like 3,356 "points" to spend on more worthless crap to bring home. That said, it was a lot of fun for both of us, and made for a nice ending to the day.

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