Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dogs and Computers Don't Go Together

158.8 on the scale, no exercise. I woke up kinda late today, and frankly, I must be giving my knees a pounding lately, because they freakin' hurt.

So, yesterday turned out nothing like I blogged about. My afternoon-long meeting got moved, and my morning meeting got moved to the afternoon, so I actually had a few chunks of time to continue beating Excel into submission.

I succeeded, for the most part!

And as if that wasn't enough geeking for the day, after supper I decided to finally replace the keyboard on an old PowerBook G4 that I've been configuring for the chilluns.

Cecil, of course, wanted to help.

So did Ginger. In fact, she leapt onto the bed and spilled the container where I was safe-keeping all the microscopic screws that you have to take out to get to the keyboard. Figures.

She also jumped up and ripped a key off the keyboard of that very computer when we first got her.

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