Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Stars Need Realigning

The plan WAS to be out the door at 8:30, parked at the building and on the train by 9:00 to be at the airport at 9:30 for my 10:20 flight to Austin.

However, the stars were not exactly aligned in my favor, starting right away this morning when I literally trapped myself in my bathroom and had to dismantle the door to get out.

That set me behind, then I hit some unusually heavy traffic, then I JUST missed one train and had to wait another 12 minutes or so for the 9:30 to depart.

That put me at the airport at about 10, 20 minutes before my flight, and I still had airport security to deal with and a gate to find.  By the time I got through security, it was 10:13, and I, for the first time that I can recall in a long while, I had to RUN to my gate.  I got there at like 10:19, the words "you're fucked!" running through my head, to find a long line at the gate to board.

They'd had mechanical problems, and were late boarding.

Praise jeeebus!

Then on my layover in Memphis, I chose a sitdown restaurant for lunch, and witnessed my food being delivered to the wrong table.  Luckily, he'd ordered something different than I and turned it away, but I had to literally whistle as the server went to two other tables asking, "Did you order the Southern Fried Chicken Salad?"

Good times.

The tides turned when Alamo upgraded me from a compact (they were out) to a midsize, and I got to choose from a line of cars parked in the lot.  I skipped over the PT Cruiser, already having one of my own to enjoy daily, and chose a deep red Dodge Avenger.

As I stopped at the booth, I asked the heavy set african american woman if I'd chosen wisely.  She suggested it would be to my advantage to refuse a map because when I get lost, some pretty woman will definitely find me in that car, not to worry.

So, yeah, I'm in Austin for the How Business Conference that I attend regularly. It is always a good experience, and the topics (and talking to other creative business owners) always provide a revelation of some sort to help the cozy little business I call HAM.

Tomorrow, I've got a little time before it starts so I think I'll head downtown and see what I can see in Austin.

Oh, and run.  I've been severely lax in my exercising now for almost a week.

That shit's gotta stop or I'm really gonna need to start blogging regularly again.

155, baby!

Tonight, I intend to take advantage of the Hyatt's "Just Missed TV" channel to watch the season debut of Heroes that I missed on Monday.

Then sleep.  Long, hard sleep.

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