Sunday, November 8, 2009

So Much For Being Sneaky

Well, I'm busted.

Mom found out I've been blogging again and hadn't informed her yet.

I kinda wanted to "sneak" back into the blogosphere so there were NO expectations, ya know? So you, interested reader, Mom or not, could one day stumble on the blog and be pleasantly surprised that the "What My Personal Hell Will Look Like" picture wasn't on the main page anymore.

But she knows I'm back now, so I best not disappoint.


So, I had the boys this weekend, and Mom & Dad were in town too. We had a full weekend! Friday we all went to Cole's school for the Dad's Spaghetti Dinner which was tasty as always. Afterward we came back to Little House and the boys and Grandma & Grandpa played Wii into the wee hours.

(Well, not really that late, I just wanted to say Wii into the wee...)

On Saturday night the boys both ended up at sleepovers, so Mom & Dad & I went to the casino and I played most of the night on $5. Did alright there at first and walked away from machine #1 with $40 extra in my hand. However, machines #2, #3, #4, and #'s 5-8 took all of that back away from me, including the initial $5.

As if I'm surprised.

I picked the boys up at about 10:30 or so this morning from their respective sleepovers and found Cory'd had only ONE hour of sleep and so much sugar and junk that he self-proclaimed he wanted only to eat healthy today. I think Cole fared better in terms of sleep, but showed some signs of being a little overloaded too. And although I have limited patience with them after they do that to themselves, I suppose that's what sleepovers are for when you're youngins.

After I got them home, we quickly got cleaned up then met Mom & Dad again at Aunt Laurie's for a nice brunch Laurie had prepared. I totally thought I'd cheated and went against the advice of Dr. Mike when I ate two pieces of sausage there, but turns out it was TURKEY sausage, not pork.

That Jennie-O... She can turn turkey into anything.

After brunch, we patronized the newest Trader Joe's off of 394 and Hopkin's Crossroad with Mom & Dad, as well as a Game Stop where the boys helped Grandma & Grandpa pick out a birthday gift for each of them.

Although, mean ol' Daddy made Grandma take the games with her until their actual birthdays instead of letting the boy's crack their new games open right there. I mean, come on! Doesn't some of the birthday specialness wear off when you hand-pick your gift and get it handed to you weeks before your birthday??

I think so anyway.

When we got home around 3:30, Cory zonked out for a couple hours and drooled all over himself, while Cole tackled his homework and his birthday invites.

After we ate, I dropped the boys at Jo's and Mom treated Dad & I to see "The Great American Trailer Park Musical" at Illusion Theater downtown. It was pretty durn funny, if I do say so myself.

And now, since I know she's reading this again, I can say "Thanks Mom!" again right here in the blogosphere!

Thanks Mom!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Awwww, you're welcome. It's always fun to hang out with my boys. And even nicer to know that I still make an impact on their behavior. Keep blogging, Mamma loves it!