Monday, January 1, 2007

Day 1 - Awesome

Alright, day one. January 1, 2007. I have committed myself to this 155x5/5 thing by revealing my plan to Jo-Anne, whipping up a crappy little logo, and creating this li'l 'ol blog. Uh huh.

So the goal is to lose what amounts to about 30 pounds by 5/5/07, which means I need to lose about 2 pounds a week. Seems like an achievable goal, however I know from last time I lost some poundage that the numbers below 165 were a bit more of a challenge than those above, but we'll see. I lost my drive last time around 165 and abandoned things altogether, whereas this time I have a date and a goal, and the possibility of public ridicule if I don't hit it.


Stay tuned for the ground rules, as well as weekly (if not daily) updates on progress. Feel free to comment. Encourage. Ridicule. Yeah, I can take it.


Anonymous said...

You go, boy! I'm with you because I cannot have you weighing less than me. OMG, I just revealed to the whole world my approximate weight. Here's to you and me making this work!

The Missus

Shad said...

I'm watching you.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that Oprah show where Dr. Oz revealed that for every 35 pounds a man loses he "gains" an inch? Fascinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sweet lis said...

Gratz dude! I salute your resolution and have no doubt that you will succeed. Good thing we rang the new year in with a bang of carbs and butter to kick it off right. Now you can cleanse and begin your journey. My resolution is similar to yours so I'll track your progress and hopefully be alongside for the ride.

Anonymous said...

Momma will be watching, but Momma should be playing along! I'm proud of your determination. You will succeed, past history proves that you always do once you set your mind to a goal. R,YMLY!

Diana said...

Woohoo! congratulations! I'm finally getting my workouts back on track, too! Good luck!

-Diana, Alexis's Target friend