Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Day 3 - Artichokes

184.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill. 2.2 miles, 4.5, 80/45.

Was a breeze the first 15 minutes, but the last 15 I wasn't into it and wanted off. But I stayed. See? See?

And then they had a nutritionist on the Today show with 5 tips for keeping your new year's resolution of losing weight. One was to increase the amount of foods with anitoxidants in your diet, and she showed the most exotic, hard-to-find or hard-to-prepare foods out there. Whole nutmeg. Yeah, eat lots of it. Artichokes. Good luck with cooking those. Huge blackberries. $4 a pound? Cripes.

They chose those because they look pretty on TV, but they make it seem hard. What about apples? Baby carrots? Grapes? Something easy, portable and affordable. May not be pretty, but I can pop a bag of them in the fridge and eat at will.

On another note, thanks to all those that are commenting. Fun to watch, and makes me feel like I damn well better get up and get on that treadmill. SO THANKS!

But seriously, why wasn't one of the tips to start a blog? Am I doing something wrong? I'm going upstairs to eat an artichoke.


Donn Ha said...

I'm not sure about that "eat at will" comment. Isn't that part of the problem?

Anonymous said...

As a fellow weight watcher, I'm rooting for you (I sure hate counting points). Feels more like "wait watchers"....Best of luck!

Diana said...

That's bollocks, none of those things are in season! This season antioxidant-y things are citrus and kale - just wilt the latter in a skillet for a few seconds and put pine nuts and rasins on it - deeeeelicious!