Saturday, March 3, 2007

Day 62 - Can Opener Obsession & Pumpkin Neglect

166.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Felt good to get back on the treadmill after a spotty week of it. I started watching Rushmore, which I hear you either love or you hate. So far, I'm a lover not a hater.

So, Jo-Anne wanted to test her brand new one-touch can opener the other day despite the fact that we didn't particularly need any cans opened, so she decided to open a can of pumpkin saying she'd make cookies or something later that night. Yeah, that never happened. Days and days later, that poor mound of pumpkin still sat forgotten in its cozy tupperware home in the fridge.

Until this morning. I made the boys some pumpkin pancakes.

Cole loved 'em, Cory not so much. I had one (2 points), and say unto thee that it was good.


Anonymous said...

That was like 3 weeks ago. Gross! I hope you didn't poison my children.

bhummel said...

If I did, I also poisoned me.

Anonymous said...

This is a strange forum to discuss these things.

bhummel said...

Perhaps, but it'd be a pretty dull blog if I just told you what I weighed every day.

Don't worry though, no kids or adults were poisoned by pumpkin or otherwise. :)