Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 65 - Frosty Thoughts

165.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.3 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

I like 165. 165 is good. But it isn't 155.

10 pounds to go before I sleep.
10 pounds to go before I sleep.

Actually, that brings me to a thought that has been rattling around in my head. If I hit 155 before 5/5 this becomes a game of maintenance. And then what happens after 5/5? That's a game of maintenance too. There's no end date really.

My mundane entries, treadmill sweat, rattlings on about Heroes and such will have been sort of pointless if I slowly pack the 30 back on over a year and a half again, ya know?

Pointless is not good.

I think the initiative may have to continue on. Maybe I strive to be 155 by the fifth of every month, 155x?/5 or something. Keep blogging it daily to keep me on the up and up, let the idea that the masses might be watching keep me on it where I might fail myself.

Yeah. The MASSES. *crickets chirping*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh believe me...we'll be watching...
