Thursday, March 15, 2007

Day 74 - Looking At The Forest

165.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.4 miles, 4.6/6.2, 100/70/dumbbells.

So I did not use all my daily points yesterday, and I only had that one beer while playing the Wii yesterday afternoon at work. (And really, the Wii activity should cancel out that beer, right? ;) )

I think this weighing daily thing is a funny thing. Weightwatchers (and most other diets for that matter) say you really shouldn't be stepping on the scale daily and gauging success/failure by that -- that typically so little changes from day to day that it can be discouraging. Instead of the daily "tree", we should look at the weekly "forest".

Who doesn't love a good cliche, eh?

But when you're losing, daily progress is very encouraging, and weighing in with the hopes of that is optimistic instead of fearful.

Anyway, I think the number has a lot to do with what I do the night before. Like, whether or not I stay in my points allowance for the day, if I eat anything of real substance past like 7:30, the next morning shows no change or a backwards step. It doesn't seem to matter with beer or fluids, seemingly. Like it is food weight not liquid weight.

Maybe the rule should be no eating after 7:30. But then, like I really need another rule to break.

1 comment:

lxforever said...

Yeah, Wii should definitely count for something, which is another great thing about the Wii. Surgery might not count though, just sports.