Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cell Phone Etiquette

I'm sorry, but is it appropriate to take or place business phone calls while on the shitter?

I would tend to think not.

However, it seems there are others in my building that think it is perfectly appropriate.

A phrase I give to all shitter-callers of the world: "I'm sorry, can I call you back in 5 minutes?"


Anonymous said...

Ya know, that could have been one of your employees on the shitter. AND, you carry on IM conversations and write emails while driving and walking. "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" - s'all I'm sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Always lock (yr phone keypad), always knock.

bhummel said...

Dave!?!? :)

Anonymous said...

DUDE people do that in this building ALL THE TIME. It is so messed up! I happen to know it is not me, Tiffany, or Angela, thank you! Kate and Shirleen, I haven't discussed this with them. But I just don't see it.

Anonymous said...

OMG, it is so true! As they say in the "Black Family" (surname everyone) wait long enough and "Shit" will come up in the conversation. Really Bret, should I be proud or horrified? Mom

bhummel said...

Wait, did my mom just say "OMG"? ;) Too cool.