Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 156 - Late Entry

158.5 on the scale. 70 minutes on the walking path, 5.0 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Had a little convo with John on the path today. He asked where I started from. He starts from Williston Road and does a 6 mile loop, almost every day. WITH cross-country skiing poles.

Had a good day today. Spent most of the morning in a coffee shop getting ready for a presentation that went smashingly well (almost too well) this afternoon.

Also was honored with a run-through of a presentation for some new business that's gonna happen tomorrow that made me proud. I had to hug people.

Anyway, we went to Dairy Queen tonight to celebrate the boy's last day of school. Wooo! LOVE the Lime Mr. Misty Freeze, extra lime, extra slush. YUM.

1 comment:

lxforever said...

I thought they got rid of Mistys?

Anyway yeah you are a dangerous hugger!!!!