Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 160 - Reunited And It Feels So Good

?? on the scale. 70 minutes on the walking path (with Cole tagging along on bike), 5.0 miles, not sure how fast, and 0/0.

Then also another 1.5 miles behind a lawn mower to mow the lawn.

Today, me and the boys got up and got out on the boat at about 9:00 for about three hours. We tried fishing, and had very little luck, not anything more than a nibble.

Also, we got an interesting call at the house today, the Minnetonka Police. Apparently the cashier at the gas station where I filled the boat and bought some beverages and snacks did not remember to ring up my gas, despite my pointing out the pump and the rough amount for her. And of course I signed the credit card slip without paying any attention to the total. The gas station reported me as a drive off, and Jo had to run there to pay while we were on the lake.

I'm such a crook. (Thanks, Jo!)

Cory is at a birthday sleepover at one of his friends, and we've got a babysitter for Cole (my cousin Marisa) so Jo and I can go out tonight to catch 3 Minute Hero at the Fine Line. They've reunited since our college days. We know a number of the band members because we were all band geeks together in Concert Band in college.

Should be a good time, although they don't go on stage until like 11:00 or 11:30. That's late for all us old-timers now. They should reunite and go on stage at 6:30, so we can be home in time to soak our dentures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some band geek you are (were). It was Wind Ensemble, NOT Concert Band.