Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 162 - Flora, Fauna, and Fast Walking

159.0 on the scale. 70 minutes on the walking path, 5.0 miles, 4.6, 150/70.

So, wow. I saw lots of animals this morning! Right away, I saw a bunny on someone's lawn literally sitting right next to a cardinal, like 3 feet apart.

And right around the corner was a wild turkey!

Then... Well the next sight wasn't as pleasant, so I didn't take a picture (though I was tempted). It was a poor little mouse that had been splayed by some ferocious wild animal or something. I swear, posed exactly like you'd imagine a dead mouse on a street would be in a 3D animated Disney movie, except all the meat picked off it. Ewww.

After I shook that image out of my head, I ran into Mother Goose and her family. Her little ones are getting big! I got a few threatening gestures thrown my way, but no altercation despite stopping long enough to snap a picture.

THEN, as if all of the above wasn't enough, I saw a painted turtle on the residential loop around the marsh. A pretty big one too! It didn't exactly like me picking it up so it buried all of it's extremities inside its shell, but I got a good couple of pictures anyway.

I swear, had I seen all of these animals in pairs, I'd have thought I better head for high ground and build an arc!

In other news, over the weekend, I weighed in over 160. That's bad. I mean, we did go out and stuff, but still. I am going to have to walk more, I've decided to up the crunches to 150 from 100, and I have to stop all the little munchie in-between meal stuff, like the goldfish, licorice, almonds, etc. Gotta keep myself in check, I don't exactly want to lose 30 pounds again.

Having just said that, I totally went to a pizza buffet for lunch.

Bad Bret!

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