Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 192 - Humpty Hump Day

158.5 on the scale. No exercise yet.

So they made good progress on the house yesterday. I didn't snap pictures, but the majority of the front of the house had been stripped of the brown wooden mess.

Last night we had Claire and Caroline overnight (our nieces). Jacquie and Steve are traveling in Ireland, and the kids are staying with Steve's parents, but they needed a break in the middle of it. :)

SO, four kids last night. Cory, Cole, Claire & Caroline. How "C"-riffic is that??

Caroline took my place and slept with Jo last night, and I was in the guest bedroom. I forgot to take my alarm down there, so I woke up too late to get on the walking path. Will have to do it tonight.

Anyway, the contractors were there bright and early this morning (unlike the noon arrival the past couple days) so it'll be interesting to see what kind of progress they make today. I'll snap some pics.

In other news, I got my coffee today without the added shots of espresso, and I think the reduction in caffeine is already resulting in headaches.

God bless ibuprofen.

1 comment:

jensue1 said...

Phew! I hear you about the kids. We kept my friend's 2, 6, and 8 year old overnight last week along with our two. Five kids. ARGH. Fortunately only one of them didn't want to be here. We survived ;)