Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 237 - Post-Vacation Boxing Day

161.0 on the scale. 10.75 miles biking on the path, 150/100.

We decided to pack up the cabin and leave the night before rather than have to get up early and try to hit the 9:00 a.m. check out time. That, and we had plenty we had to do back home.

Things like unpacking, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Then I also had to buy a couple computers for a new workstation to get ready for our newest employee who starts Monday.

We got in late, like 12:30 or so, so we slept in a little bit.

But then I opted to get the manual labor stuff out of the way in the morning, unpacking the van, mowing the lawn, some other stuff. Then I got on the bike, did my exercise, now I'm showered up and about to head out to buy the computers and set them up at the office.

We had a good vacation all-in-all, although it would have been nice if it hadn't been so damp. A sunburn and a little whiplash from tubing would have been nice.

Jo managed to secure a perferred cabin for the same week next year which is at least a foot in the door. Now she'll try to trade our time up a few weeks to late July or early August instead. Wish us luck.

Another day or so and my vacation beard should be filled out enough to look like a beard.

I'll post a pic later.

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