Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 239 - Another Newbie, And Another First Day After Vacation

165.0 on the scale. 10.75 miles biking on the path, 150/100.

Um yeah, 165. So the four pounds of french fries we ate at the end of the day at the fair apparently had an impact. LOVE IT.

Today we had our 16th full-timer start, Stephen Whetstine, Sr. Illustrative Designer. You oughtta check out Stephen's work at his site, He's been working for us on a freelance basis on the Target Halloween stuff until he started, and we're happy to have him.

Yeah, I just wanna say again that the first day after a week-long vacation is always a wee bit sucky. I can't imagine what it is gonna be like when I'm out for the full two weeks (last week of Oct and first of Nov). After I spent some time with Stephen and his orientation, I was pulled into meetings most of the day until late afternoon, when I had my first opportunity to start working on that which needed me to work on it. It is of course necessary that I get pulled into meetings, but you know...

In other news, tonight I picked up my new 80 gig video iPod which had a few attempted deliveries while we were away last week. I got it for FREE with rewards points from Wells Fargo, thankyouverymuch. WOOO! Good things happen when you clear some 35K work of payroll through a rewards account every couple of weeks.

tee hee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are like, seven blog entries I've missed! I thought you had abandoned the blog! Hurrah!