Friday, September 14, 2007

Day 257 - Crashing A Rehearsal Dinner

159.5 on the scale. No exercise.

Today I fleshed (yes, fleshed) out the outline for the MIMA presentation. I'm sure if there's anybody even reading this that you're sick of me talking about it. But it is fun. And I like it. And it is gonna be a good presentation.

Had another review lunch today, this time Eric. I'm getting close to being done with the marathon spurt of reviews, and hopefully getting back into just a handful of Fridays. I also decided it is time to alternate the quarterly reviews between me and their team leader, who is not me (except for the team leaders themselves -- they're stuck with me).

Later on in the day, I played some Wii with all those at HAM that weren't working from home or had left early for the day, up until the point that Jo came to the office to pick me up for the rehearsal.

We got invited to Denise and Jeremy's rehearsal dinner (thanks guys!) because we're host and hostess for the reception after the wedding tomorrow. Jo picked me up and we drove to St. Paul to Axel's Bonfire, where we had a deeelicious meal and a few drinks, and met a few of the wedding party from Jeremy's side.

They handed out some gifts too! Jo got a bottle of wine, and I got a bottle of the famous Hagel homebrew: Apple Pie Whiskey. Wooooo!

Anyway, thanks to Bruce, and Mom and Dad Hummel for watching the kids for us. My parents came into town around 7:00 and picked them up from Jo's parents, then drove them to our house. They'll be our babysitters most of tomorrow too! Thanks!

However, I guess it could be considered payment for the free room and board too, eh? Eh?

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