Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 256 - Molassess

160.5 on the scale. 10.75 miles biking on the path, 150/0.

I SO did not wanna get up this morning. And my legs SO did not want to be peddling.

However, I did both.

Today was a relatively quiet day. I had a meeting with Adam, Kate, and Brad in the morning to go over the beginnings of my outline for the MIMA presentation and get their input on the back 2/3rds of it. So, after some great discussion, I was armed to flesh out the rest, and flesh it out I shall.

On that note, do you say "flesh it out" or "flush it out"? A longstanding debate, I'm just curious...

Anyway, I gots to get it to the summit committee tomorrow! But then the cool thing is it will kinda cover a lot of our philosophy about stuff, and possibly be good content for the new website (eventually) too!

Around the lunch hour I went across the street for another review, Adam. We had a long lunch at Monte Carlo (where I once saw Patty Wetterling and on a separate occasion, Walter Mondale), and then after a half hour at the office, I was off to another meeting.

Days get eaten up, don't they?

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