Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 369 - The End of a Short Week

161.6 on the scale, no exercise.

So, Jo-Anne bought this new fancy-ass scale that measures not only your weight, but your percentage of body fat, water weight, bone density and everything.

So expect more accurate measurements from here on out.

Jo wasn't feeling well at all this morning, so I stayed home because it was so bad she might have had to be taken into the hospital. Luckily, that didn't have to happen.

I had to be at the office for a 1:00 interview, but after that, I spent the afternoon working on the presentation for the HAM Mini Summit on Wednesday, which I am looking forward to. We're gonna order in some Famous Daves too, wooo!

When I first got in, I had enough time before the interview to treat Tiffany, Alexis and Shirleen to a K.C. & the Sunshine Band tune, Give It Up, which I had stuck in my head for a good portion of the day. And of course, why wouldn't I get my groove on while I blasted the tune? I mean, have you seen me dance?

After supper, I've been laying low, having a few beers, and poking around the internets. Looking forward to a quiet weekend, and then a normal-lengthed week to follow again finally.

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