Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rockin' at the Huschka's

158.4 on the scale, 5.0 miles on the path, about 4.0 of them ran.

Today was a quiet sorta Saturday, at least during the day.

I ran, I ran so far away, I mowed the front and side yard, I went to Costco with Jo...

But then evening hit, and we drove all the way to Michigan to visit the Huschka's in their new house in Woodbury (I know, NOT Michigan, but it seems that far east) for a BBQ.

Had a lotta fun conversations, a few drinks, a lotta food, and then the night culminated in some Rock Band on the XBox 360. I was a Rock Band virgin until tonight, but after playing guitar, bass and drums (oh no no no, no singing), I found that my instrument of choice is the bass. And I did alright!

I'm no expert like Ryan, who both played guitar AND sang (both on expert mode) on a song or two, but I managed to hold my own on medium for a couple of songs and got as high as 98% accuracy.

That's more success than I can tout for other times I've lost my virginity.

Ba da boom! *cymbal crash*

I am SOO not funny.

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