Friday, October 23, 2009

Gremlins Ruined Christmas

The boys and I ran to Blockbuster after our frozen pizzas intending to get Ice Age 3. However, we discovered that it isn't in stores for another week. Luckily, Cole had a Plan B.

A year and a half ago, I'd kinda pushed Cole into renting a classic 80's movie instead of the usual SpongeBob Squarepants episodes that he always insisted on when he was uninterested in anything else, as chronicled in this post. Since then the boys have voluntarily seen things like the Muppet Movies, Karate Kid, BeetleJuice, Edward ScissorHands, and ET among others.

Cole's Plan B was either Gremlins or Goonies. So we rented both. Tonight, we watched Gremlins. I forgot how gratuitously violent it is for a kids movie! I mean, the mom stabs a gremlin like 5 times with a kitchen knife, puts one in the microwave and we see it explode, later on there are gremlins randomly shooting gremlins in the bar while playing poker... At the end they pop open a gas line and pump it into the theater where the gremlins are all watching Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs and blow the whole place up to kill them all.

I bring this up not because had I remembered the violence, I wouldn't have let them watch it. More because My Memory of Gremlins does not match Gremlins, and that surprised me.

Anyway, I also forgot the story the girl tells about why she hates Christmas in which she talks about how she learned there's no Santa Claus.


She had to tell that right there in front of my boys. I mean, they're almost 13 and 11, but they are still letting us think they believe!

Gremlins can't take that away from me!

1 comment:

Polar Bear Wrangler said...

Oh no! Nikki and I watched Gremlins last year and ended up huddled together on the couch with hands over our eyes screaming "why did you feed it after midnight?!?!?!"