Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 12 - Still Knocking

180.0 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill, 2.2 miles, 4.5, 100/70.

Slow, but steady progress, but still haven't walked through the 180 door yet. Finished Paycheck. Yeah, good movie. It made time fly on the treadmill everyday I had it on.

So, have not had to report for Jury Duty which kinda sucks. I feel like I'm in a limbo of sorts. Purgatory maybe. I feel like I shouldn't get back deep into day-to-day project responsibilities because I could be pulled off them again and then not be able to deliver, but then feel guilty like I'm leaving the HAM peeps in a lurch. Instead, I've been spending my time on designing our Resource Allocation tool and on networking to replace Greg, both of which can be interrupted without timeline/deadline impact and they're contained to me.

Ayway, I have to call in again today at 12:15 to see if I have to come in for the afternoon, but man I can't imagine they'll do that since Monday is a government holiday (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) so no courts are in session on Monday. If I don't have to report, I'll likely head into work this afternoon again.

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