Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 22 - Collateral Exercise

177.5 on the scale. No treadmill YET, because Heroes is on tonight with their first new episode since before christmas and I'll be doing it then, woo hoo!

Yeah, so up a pound from yesterday. That would suggest that yesterday's weigh-in was skewed low, probably because I didn't eat those remaining points?

Yesterday, the boys and I went to The Waterpark of America since they'd been relatively neglected these past few weeks due to parental busy-ness. I got a LOT of collateral exercise there running up the plethora of stairs with the boys over and over for the waterslides. On the way home, we ate at Qcumbers, and I had a massive amount of food (was starving) although since it was mostly a monstrous salad, I did quite well points-wise and went to bed again with unused points.

It was a nice feeling to feel stuffed and NOT have blown the points thing.

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