Sunday, January 7, 2007

Day 7 - Weigh-In Day

Alright, Sunday. Official weigh-in day. One week, gone! 182.5 on the scale. 30 minutes on the treadmill. 2.2 miles, 4.5, 60/90.

Week 1 sees me down 3 pounds. That's a good start.

So I could track where I should be weekly, I've created the progress chart below. I'll update this after each weigh-in. The straight grey line is the path I need to be on to hit the goal, which shows I need to lose about 2 pounds a week.

Ahead of schedule it would seem! In fact, I just got chastised by WeightWatchers Online for losing more than 2 pounds in one week. I've subjected myself to a higher risk of gallstones. Eek!

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