Monday, January 8, 2007

Early Dismissal Today

Woo hoo! Got dismissed for the day until 9:00 tomorrow morning.

So yeah, I can see how it can be horribly boring sitting and waiting for your name to be called, but luckily (I guess) my name was called on the fourth or fifth batch to be considered for a criminal trial. We went through security and into a freight elevator up to the courtroom and went through initial voir dire (jury selection) precedings.

They asked us initial questions as a group, took all our phone numbers, then dismissed us all until tomorrow morning so the judge could discuss important matters with the attorneys, whatever that means. All I know is that I got to get outta there for the rest of the day.

But the cool thing is that I'm potential juror #1. Hot damn!

Online, at home, and available for the rest of the afternoon.


Diana said...

voir dire sounds so much sexier than it (probably) actually is.

J'aime les francaises.

Anonymous said...


This could be very exciting.
