Monday, April 30, 2007

Treadmill Report

50 minutes on the treadmill, 3.8 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Heroes was amazing as always. At first blush, this series could be one that has only one good season in them. The storyline is such that once they succeed at actually saving NY, you have to ask yourself, "What's the show possibly going to be about afterwards?"

Well, tonight's show confidently proves they've got some seriously good writers who definitely have to have more than one good season-long storyline in them.

Only three more episodes left this season.

I'll miss it when it is gone, as I always do. But in it's place I'll have summer, and summer's on more than just an hour on Monday nights.

On another note, I DID sign up on Facebook. If I know you (or even if I don't and you actually give enough of a shit to read this regularly) send me a friend request!

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