Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day 153 - Aw, Poor Lil' Guy

157.0 on the scale. 155 minutes on the walking path, 12.18 miles, 4.7, 100/70.

I did not get out to walk last night as I'd hoped, so I endeavored to go on a long walk this morning. It was a beautiful beautiful morning for it, so I just kinda kept going, past Excelsior to Cty Rd 19 before I turned around.

Found this little guy on the trail about 1.75 miles from home, and couldn't pass picking him up to take home for the boys. Yeah, he both pooped and peed on me on the way home, but the boys were excited to get him (or her I guess). Good times.

Also saw a deer, and a deceased rabbit that looked as though it'd just recently been scared to death and was laying on the side of the trail.
Anyway, my feet hurt, I'm starving, and my wife wants my help right now, but I've had a great morning, thanks!

Tonight's the shindig!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a good Daddy!