Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 154 - Holy Parentheticals!

159.5 on the scale (eek!). 66 minutes on the walking path, 5.0 miles, 4.6, 100/70.

Last night's party was a success. We had a good turnout with 30+ people, and there were still 10 left by the bonfire around 11:00!

One of the highlights (outside of the attempt to play a rousing game of "Bullshit!") was when I brought out the 1976 Bicentennial Hummel jeans quilt (thanks Mom!) which sparked a round-robin about how old everyone was in 1976.

Mind you, these are almost all parents of a 4th grader from Cory's class at Spring Hill School. Answers ranged from 16 all the way to a sheepish, "Um, I wasn't born yet."

Yeah, I ate too much last night. WAY too much. Brats, dogs, burgers, chips, oh my! (not to mention the non-light uppity beer!)

Anyway, today was pretty low key. Another rainy day, but managed to get the party remnants cleaned up for the most part AND get a walk in, albeit late in the day and with umbrella in hand. I had hoped to get out on the boat today (I'm developing an itch) but the weather was not with me on that one.

So, tomorrow. Yeah, Monday. Plenty to do tomorrow. Monday, that is.

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